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Olympic Swimming Pool
Swimming Pool

Unlocking Excellence: The World of Olympic Swimming Pools

Doha's Aquatic Marvel: Where Luxury Meets Olympic Swimming Pool Dreams

Sauna Dekor, a stalwart with over 30 years of global experience, takes pride in being a premier player in Olympic-sized swimming pool construction. We adhere rigorously to the International Swimming Federation (FINA) standards, ensuring that our olympic swimming pools are precision-engineered for competitions and training alike.

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Crafting Dimensions of Precision: Olympic Pool Specifications

The allure of Olympic swimming pools lies in their adherence to specific dimensions.

For full-sized Olympic pools, the dimensions are standardized as follows: Olympic Swimming Pool Dimensions: Width: 25 meters
Length: 50 meters
Depth: 2.5 meters
Number of Lanes: 10
Water Temperature: Maintained between 25 °C – 27 °C

Semi-Olympic pools offer a more compact alternative:
Semi-Olympic Pool Dimensions:
Width: 12.5 meters
Length: 25 meters
Depth: 2 meters
Number of Lanes: 5
Water Temperature: Maintained between 25 °C – 27 °C

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The Meticulous Stages: From Concept to Completion

Embarking on the journey of Olympic Swimming Pool Construction requires a systematic approach. Sauna Dekor's professional team ensures each stage is executed with precision. Ground excavation, concrete pouring, insulation applications, electrical system installations, steel construction, flooring, and water filling are all meticulously orchestrated to deliver pools that meet the highest standards.

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Sauna Dekor Distinction: Beyond Pools to Spa Solutions

Sauna Dekor stands out not only for its prowess in constructing pools but also as a distinguished provider of Olympic Swimming Pool Construction. Contributing to the widespread use of Spa & Wellness with its participation in international fairs and diverse projects, Sauna Dekor has become a leading force with a legacy spanning more than three decades. The company continues to serve its clients across more than 20 countries, offering its expertise in both individual and corporate spa center establishments.

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Materials Tailored to Your Imagination: A Personalized Approach

In Olympic Swimming Pool construction, customization is key. Sauna Dekor provides individualized designs, allowing users to envision and create pools based on their preferences and the conditions of the application area. The incorporation of signal flags, separating accessories, and racing platforms enhances the versatility of our Olympic pool designs, catering to both competitions and training sessions.

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Models, Prices, Maintenance, and Service: A Comprehensive Package

Explore an array of Olympic pool models with Sauna Dekor. Beyond pool construction, we delve into the intricacies of sauna design, emphasizing the choice of wood, heating systems, and overall aesthetic appeal. Prices for Olympic pool construction vary based on factors such as material quality, pool size, and application techniques. Sauna Dekor is committed to the long-term satisfaction of its clients. Regular maintenance and service are integral parts of our offering, ensuring that your Olympic pool remains in optimal condition for years to come.

Olympic-Sized Swimming Pool Construction and Beyond

In conclusion, Sauna Dekor transcends its role as a mere solution partner in Olympic-sized swimming pool construction; it emerges as a stalwart guardian of quality, precision, and innovation within the aquatic domain. Immerse yourself in the epitome of excellence offered by Sauna Dekor, where each pool serves as a living testament to our unwavering commitment to perfection. Beyond constructing pools, we craft aquatic spaces that not only meet but exceed expectations, ensuring an experience that goes beyond the ordinary. Join us in the pursuit of aquatic perfection, where every detail is meticulously considered, and every pool is a reflection of our dedication to setting new standards in the world of aquatic luxury.

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Olympic Swimming Pool


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