How To Make A Sauna?
How to Make a Sauna?
In addition to mega projects such as hotels, SPAs and gyms, saunas can also be included in residential projects according to the user’s demand. Upon the special request of the users, a sauna system can be installed in their homes. Sauna Decor Spa Solutions, which has been involved in many domestic and international projects with more than 30 years of experience; With the services it provides at every stage of the project, from design concept to implementation, from project management to logistics, it allows you to create the sauna room that will create the atmosphere of pleasure, relaxation and rest in your living spaces.
Home saunas are insulated rooms and structures where different heat elements are preferred. There are construction stages that you need to pay attention to in the saunas that you will create in your home or in your projects. The most important issue to be considered in the construction of the sauna, each of which is determined as a part of a whole, is the choice of location.
Do you want a single unconnected sauna, do you want to turn your garage into a sauna, or do you want to use the extra room in your house as your new sauna? There is a wide variety of places you can choose to bring the sauna into your life, so you have to decide where you want it. As a result of the negotiations with our professional team, you can correctly choose where your sauna will be located.
Sauna Dekor offers holistic solutions to your dreams with years of experience and service quality.
While adding your relaxing and relaxing saunas to your living spaces, Sauna Dekor’s services include:
- Location: You need to decide where the sauna will be placed in the project where you want the sauna to be located. Under the guidance of Sauna Dekor’s professional team, which room of the house or where the sauna can be found (garage, basement, attic, any room, etc.) is determined by the owner and our expert team.
- Design: After the location of the sauna is determined, our design team listens to the dreams of the project owners in order to create a dream environment and starts to realize their sauna design dreams.
- Application and Assembly: The assembly process, which is also defined as the process of realizing the dreams of the customers by combining the preferred wooden textures, other selected materials and decoration elements in the design, is carried out by Sauna Dekor’s expert assembly team. .
- Maintenance: Sauna Dekor, which always stands behind its designs, product quality and service, provides periodic sauna maintenance and service with its expert team. The maintenance of your saunas, which is due for maintenance, is carried out by our expert team.
What is a sauna?
How To Make A Sauna?
Taking its name from the land and culture in which it developed, sauna means wooden room in Finnish. It is a type of bathroom made of wood, based on the principle of high temperature and low humidity, where the temperature inside is typically between 80 and 95C. While the relative humidity in traditional Finnish saunas where dry heat is used, which Sauna Dekor has been producing for years and has been involved in projects, generally varies between -20, the humidity rate is higher in other sauna types.
Wooden materials are mostly preferred in the design of saunas, which are used for relaxing and resting rather than cleaning a room. Contrary to popular belief, sauna; It is not a type of hammam, but a health room that offers rest and relaxation without the purpose of cleaning, it is a cultural-physical event that regulates the heart, circulation and nervous system.
- Since intense water loss may occur during use, water should be taken from the body before using the sauna. The person can prevent the loss of water during use from harming the body by taking a shower and consuming plenty of water before using it.
- Before using the sauna, clothing and items such as lenses, glasses, jewelry and watches should be removed. You must enter the sauna naked with a towel or swimsuit wrapped around your body.
- It is not suitable to sit directly on wooden benches indoors with high temperature. Before entering the sauna, you should sit on these benches with a towel you can buy.
- Sauna use should be between 5 and a maximum of 30 minutes. After the first 5 minutes, when the person starts to sweat on his own, he should leave the sun.
- In order to regulate the increased body temperature, the person should take a shower again or cool off by entering the pool.
- If you want to take a moisture bath again or relax by massaging the body, after resting for 15-20 minutes, you can re-enter the sauna and use the sauna again for the specified time.
- After using the sauna, it is recommended to rest for about 15-20 minutes in order for the body to adapt to normal weather conditions. After taking a shower and the body has completely cooled down, clothes should be put on.
- In the sauna, plenty of water should be drunk to balance the water lost in the sauna.
Saunas, whose numerous benefits have been proven by the scientific world and which make a unique contribution to every part of the body with regular use, can raise the skin temperature up to about 40°C during use. As the user’s skin temperature rises, sweating occurs in the person, and with this sweating, the body throws off excess fat and sweat purifies the body from toxins and dead cells. Rapid and intense temperature increases and decreases in the human body form the main principle of sauna.
As the vessels expand, blood flow accelerates, our organism tries to keep the body temperature constant by cooling the skin and reacts with intense sweating. The skin is purified from dead cells and revitalized. It has a soft and smooth surface. Intense sweating adjusts the water and toxin balance in the human body. Regular sauna baths also help the respiratory tract to work more regularly. A sauna bath positively affects the cardiovascular system and blood pressure, and actually provides a stress-free training to the heart and the entire cardiovascular system. Sauna causes an increase in total blood proteins. This increase allows more oxygen to reach the tissues.
Sauna Builders
There are many different sauna companies in Turkey and abroad that offer sauna, hammam and spa solutions. Contributing to the widespread use of Spa & Wellness with the international fairs it has attended and the projects it is a part of, Sauna Dekor Spa Solutions is among the leading sauna companies in the sector with its quality materials and correct production techniques.
Sauna Building Cost
One of the most curious questions of those who want to add the relaxing effect of the sauna to their living spaces is how much it will cost to have a sauna built. Sauna prices and sauna construction cost; It varies according to the size of the sauna to be built, the amount of materials to be used in the manufacture of the sauna, the quality and properties of the selected material. The range of materials to be used in sauna manufacturing is quite wide. These play a major role in determining sauna prices.
Many different parameters such as the size of the area where the sauna will be installed, the stages of preparation for the application, the logistics cost of the project, material preferences also change the sauna price. For the most accurate information about how much the sauna you want to include in your project will cost, you can contact the Sauna Dekor Spa & Solutions team and benefit from the experience of our expert team.
What You Need to Know in Sauna Construction
The first point you should pay attention to when starting the sauna production is the heater selection, which forms the heart of the sauna. The choice of heater to be chosen in accordance with the sauna room to be created and the heating control methods related to it will greatly affect the relaxing and relaxing experience you will receive. The heat ranges of the sauna and the quality of the heating stones are among the design decisions that you should pay attention to when creating your design.
One of the most important criteria is to determine the place where the sauna will be installed. The minimum ceiling height given for a sauna design in Turkey and abroad is 195 cm. If there is no special design request, saunas usually have a ceiling height of 210-240 cm.
One of the most important choices in sauna design is the choice of wood for the seating area and walls. Cedar, pine, fir, spruce and ayous trees are generally preferred in sauna designs in Turkey. According to the design you want in the interior and the cost of the sauna you plan, Sauna Dekor will guide you with its professional team and help you choose the right tree type.
Glass is generally preferred for the sauna door. Choosing a stylish, aesthetic and durable glass door that will adapt to your design provides many years of use as it is resistant to high temperature levels, wet and dry steam fluctuations.
In order to increase the efficiency of the sauna, you should use the rows of seats intensively and minimize the floor space that will be wasted. Maximizing the seating area will also increase the number of people who will use the sauna and allow crowded use.
Some features should be considered when choosing the recommended heating stones for electric heaters. The heating stones to be selected should be resistant to high temperatures and heat fluctuations that will occur in the sauna. It should not form dust and should not emit odors. It is desirable that the heating stones hold the water and do not drip the water and must have the ability to give the sauna sufficient heat.
Stages of Sauna Manufacturing
In order to add the relaxing effect of the sauna to your living spaces, the most important and first step of your sauna manufacturing decision is to correctly determine the area where the sauna will be installed. If it will be located in a house or project, a place where plumbing, heating and electricity can be easily reached should be chosen. For a sauna to be designed outdoors, the location of the sauna should be determined so that the area sits on level ground, away from overhanging trees and running water.
If the area where the sauna will be installed is technically and physically suitable, such as its size and distance to the mechanical installations, the sauna design desired by the user should be started. In which style the sauna room should be made, which type of wood should be preferred, the cost of the materials to be chosen, etc. all this should be determined at this stage according to the imagined design. After the sauna design, the application process is carried out professionally by the Sauna Dekor Spa & Solutions installation team in your home or in the appropriate area of your project.
It is recommended that sauna construction be done by professional and expert teams. Individual sauna construction is also very common in the country and abroad. You can use the following information about sauna construction to bring the tranquility of the sauna to your living spaces:
- Choose the right place for your sauna. When determining the location of your sauna, do not forget its features (minimum dimensions, proximity to technical systems, flat floor, etc.).
- Lay the woods that make up the inner frame of the sauna according to standard framing codes. Make sure the stud areas are at each corner. For correct and good ventilation indoors, leave 3 ventilation points according to your door position, heater type and seating arrangement. Determine the area for the seating areas and window areas that you want to create in the design.
- Insulate your sauna’s frame and ceiling. Although the insulation material is not very important, it is recommended to insulate the inner frame with fiberglass. To keep moisture away from the fiberglass and use your sauna longer, you should add a vapor barrier.
- Cover the interior with wooden woods that are compatible with your design and that you want to see in your space. Remember to leave space in the ventilation holes. In the meantime, you can make arrangements for lighting elements and technical cables suitable for your design in decoration.
- Create your sitting areas in the sauna.
- Install the sauna door. Doors, which are the most preferred glass recently, should be placed and unlocked to open to the outside in order to intervene in a situation that may affect the health of the person inside.
- Install your preferred sauna heater by following the installation information supplied with the system. Place your lights. Finish the technical application part by placing the sauna stones in the heater. From now on, it is entirely up to you to decide on the design elements and decoration items you will prefer, and to transform your sauna into a unique and original relaxation area!
Sauna Dekor Spa & Solutions offers holistic services to your projects with years of experience and quality service. You can contact us to add to your aesthetic, stylish and elegant saunas, where every detail in your living spaces is created by our professional team.
Important Factors in Sauna Construction
Technical specifications, design details, budget and project management, assembly and application are important and need to be considered in sauna construction and manufacturing. It is recommended that you get consultancy services from experts in the field so that you can make the right choices by meeting with experts in the field for sauna construction, and to facilitate the design and implementation of your project.
Sauna Dekor Spa & Solutions has been involved in numerous projects at home and abroad with over 30 years of experience. It offers the opportunity to bring the saunas of your dreams to your living spaces with its professional team, with the experience gained in each project and the service quality that it has increased day by day over the years.
Materials Used in Sauna Construction
Different tree species are preferred according to the desired effect in sauna designs. Panels are used on the side walls and ceilings of saunas. In Turkey, cedar, pine, fir, spruce and ayous trees are generally preferred according to the wishes, budgets and design requirements of the customers.
Since the laths do not burn the body at high temperatures and do not react with human sweat, they can be used for many years without deterioration, so they are used in the sitting areas and floor grills of saunas. As Sauna Dekor Spa & Solutions, our solutions are usually Aspen, Abachi etc. We use trees as laths. The compatibility of our preferred wood types with sauna function, resistance to high temperatures and long-term usability are of extra importance for preferences in living spaces.
Recently, glass is preferred as a sauna door. Considering the risk of creating health problems for the person inside, the sauna door should be opened and unlocked. In interiors where wood is preferred instead of glass, a glass window can be left to see inside. The panic button to be used in an emergency should also be placed in the sauna, even if the person inside has a negative situation.
The choice of heater is one of the most important decisions in sauna designs. Recently, sauna heaters working with electrical energy have been used. The sauna stones, which are placed on the heater and help the steam formation in the sauna, are composed of volcanic stones. Stones on which water is poured for steam formation are volcanic stones that are resistant to high temperatures and do not crack when water is poured.
It can be used in decorative elements that affect the design, apart from the materials that should be technically present in the sauna design. Sauna bucket with water for the hourglass, steam formation and humidity balance to determine the time spent by the person in a healthy way, essences that will spread aromatic odors in the sauna, for those who want to experience the relaxing effect of aromatherapy, which has been on the agenda in recent years. You can design your sauna to be completely special for you by choosing decorative items that will contribute to your sauna decoration.
Sauna Models and Prices
Bringing the spa & wellness culture to your projects with its quality services from the design stage to its logistics, from assembly and application to maintenance, Sauna Dekor Spa & Solutions offers the relaxing and peaceful effect of the sauna to your living spaces with 3 sauna types.
- Finnish Sauna: To use a sauna, undress, shower, and enter. Wood-clad walls and special benches maintain temperature. Water infusions add humidity, and footbaths regulate temperature. Saunas improve blood flow, enhancing the immune system. A session lasts 90 minutes, starting with 8-12 minutes, followed by a 12-20 minute cool-down. Users can sit or lie in the same zone, starting with a foot bath, rinsing off sweat with cold water. A thermometer, hygrometer, and timer monitor the experience.
- Infrared Sauna: These are saunas in which modern infrared technology is used as a heating source and offer the closest heat quality to the sun’s rays. The infrared rays used in these saunas penetrate deep into the body, providing a comfortable temperature without overheating the skin and respiratory system like traditional saunas. This allows you to spend more comfortable and enjoyable time in the sauna.
- Bio Sauna : It is a type of sauna that provides a soft sauna atmosphere with cabin temperature of 50-60 °C and humidity of 60%, offering aromatherapy (smell therapy) and chromotherapy (therapy with colored light) options. With your family, friends or a solo sauna bath, you can get away from the stressful world and spare time for your health. The sauna, which is no longer a luxury, has proven to be a healthy practice for a stress-free and healthy life. In addition to the beauty of the skin, sauna also prevents the formation of unwanted lubrication and cellulite in some areas. In short, sauna is an excellent choice for body health and beauty.
Sauna prices; It varies according to the sauna model to be preferred, the size of the application area and the feature of the selected material. Contact Sauna Dekor for the most accurate information, remember that you can get the most accurate information from Sauna Dekor’s expert team that makes your dreams come true.