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Snow Room
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Winter wonderland all year round

The snow experience 365 days a year

Tingling cold and soft powder snow. The fascinating white splendor has an almost magical appeal for people, it soothes the mind and arouses our playful instinct, no matter how old we are. Experience this wonder 365 days a year with indoor snow concepts from TechnoAlpin. Specific concepts for different sizes and purposes guarantee personalized solutions for every application.

A Turnkey Solution The SNOWROOM

Snow Room

Simple Maintenance

The mechanical room can be positioned up to 50m away from the SNOWROOM and maintenance access is simple. Special openings provide access to the air conditioning units and snow nozzles to enable easy maintenance.

Intuitive Operation

A 7-inch touch display ensures easy control and monitoring of all operating functions of the EcoSnow 2.0 technical snow unit. A scheduler program permits automatic control of both snowing and defrosting times. TechnoAlpin can access the device and make changes to the settings at any time via remote maintenance, if necessary.

Rigorous Hygienic Standards

High hygienic standards have always been a major priority for TechnoAlpin's product development team. Visitors to a SNOWROOM only come into contact with fresh snow and clean air. A microbiological analysis carried out in 2021 confirms that SNOWROOM surfaces, snow and air quality are completely safe as freezing room temperatures prevent the survival of microorganisms.

A Design Highlight For Any Room

The SNOWROOM offers a modern design and a visual highlight for any indoor venue. The SNOWROOM can be perfectly incorporated into any design. Thanks to the different versions, it can be individually adapted to transform any space into a unique experience. Four different available design styles ensure optimal integration of style.

Pristine Snow Quality

Fresh snow produced on a daily basis made from air and water - no artificial additives. TechnoAlpin Indoor guarantees snow of the highest quality, just like the real thing. The patented nozzles deliver a fresh blanket of snow every morning.

Spa & Wellness
Snow Rooms - An entirely new way to cool down

Snow Room

The "cool" regeneration after the workout

Snow Room

Private Luxury
A SnowRoom to your exact requirements

Snow Room

Winter wonderland in the wellness area


A proper sauna also requires rapid cool down after sweating. A sauna can only strengthen the immune system, stimulate blood circulation and boost metabolism if combined with the cold. A SNOWROOM is ideal for restoring the body to a normal temperature – from head to toe: Deep breaths at -10°C and dry air cool the airways whilst powdery snow falls also has a cooling effect on the skin. Compared to dowsing with water, the cold effect is intensified without causing a cold shock.

Cold applications and cold therapies are in vogue. Whether to reduce inflammation, muscle soreness or pain after an intense workout, or to optimize spiritual well-being, exposing the body to cold temperatures brings numerous health benefits. The Global Wellness Trend Report 2021 also confirms that positive stress exposure like the hot-cold contrast therapy can help strengthen and balance the immune system. Even the change from normal room temperature to cold is enough to expose the body to “positive stress”. Unlike traditional wet cold treatments, the snow sauna is a soft, dry cold. So it’s pleasant and welcoming, and hence essential to boosting the positive effects. The SNOWROOM exploits the physiological ability of the human body to adapt to the fullest extent.

Snow Room
Snow Room


The SNOW ROOM not only feels good, it looks good too. Real powdery snow in a sauna setting will take the wellness guest by surprise and enhance the overall sauna experience. Those who are not looking for snow to cool down will visit the SNOW ROOM out of curiosity and be amazed at how natural the snow actually feels. This attraction will make traditional wellness areas stand out from the crowd and offers a new and interesting approach.


The SNOW ROOM for your fitness center


After intense exercise, be that in a competitive or amateur sport, the body has to be cooled down again afterwards. Cold treatments can boost the recovery process after a workout. Vascular training and the detoxifying effect on the muscles allows the body to recover more quickly after sport. Cold temperatures also temporarily reduce the sensation of pain, providing relief for both muscles and joints. As a result, the body releases positive messenger substances, namely endorphins and serotonin, which improves joint movement.

A SNOW ROOM construction with real snow in a fitness center or sports facility offers visitors an innovative form of regeneration after a workout. A SnowRoom can be a unique selling point for your facility and will also grab your guests’ attention.

Snow Room

Tailored to individual needs


Snow Room

A snow room is just as individual as you are. Would you like to upgrade your private wellness area with a special form of cool-down down after a sauna? Want a unique setting to recuperate after sport? Or do you simply want to impress your guests with an extraordinary eye-catcher?

The SNOW ROOM construction from TechnoAlpin makes all this possible even in your own home. Real snow, without chemical additives, just for you, your family and friends. Anywhere in the world. The possibilities are endless.

Innovation and spirit of the times



We set great store in developing and integrating innovative technologies to ensure optimum performance and the efficient use of resources.

With Indoor snow solutions, water consumption is kept to a minimum: one liter of water produces 5 liters of snow. Approximately 200 liters of water are needed per week to create a it.

Up to 80% of the energy required for a SNOW ROOM can be recovered as thermal energy: for example, the waste heat generated by cooling the it can be used to heat a swimming pool. 

Snow Room

Tailored to individual needs

Quality & Certification

Snow Room

We ensure that our products meet the most stringent of quality standards by carefully selecting the materials and construction methods used for our products.

All TechnoAlpin Indoor products are designed and manufactured in Italy to the highest standards. Product quality is tested on certified test benches and guarantees flawless performance in the field.

The SNOW ROOM is CE- and CSA-certified and complies with European and North American standards and regulations. All components are installed and serviced by certified personnel to guarantee a long lifetime.

Let's talk

Snow Room


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